29 de março de 2015

Telecom Consultant - São Paulo

A Telsign Consultoria, empresa brasileira da área de software e serviços em telecomunicações "sem fio" e rede fixa com foco principal em consultoria de Engenharia, Integração de Sistemas e desenvolvimento de Serviços em estratégia de Negócios para Telecom e TI, está com a seguinte oportunidade:

Telecom Consultant - São Paulo

• Understanding and operation of OSS/BSS
• Understanding of basic RF parameters and signal flows (frequency, power-level, modulation methods, channel widths, signal losses, SNR etc.) in a CATV system
• Understanding of DHCP/TFTP protocols and DOCSIS provisioning suite
• Basic understanding of IP switching and routing, including commonly used dynamic routing protocols (i.e. RIP, OSPF, ISIS & BGP)
• Basic understanding of configuration scripting via industry standard CLI interfaces
• Basic understanding of CPE device configuration files, service flows and CPE troubleshooting

Knowledge of one or more specific Cable Television and related technologies
Digital Television, Video on Demand, Switched Digital Video, IPTV
MPEG2, MPEG4, Video Compression, Digital Modulation
Docsis, PacketCable and/or SIP based VoIP
HFC network technology and optical networks
Data Networking, TCP/IP, routing protocols
Network management (eg SNMP based tools and monitoring)

Proficiency with test/monitoring equipment is a plus
• Data Networking (e.g. Etherreal, Mib browsers)
• CATV (Spectrum Analyzer)
• VoiceQuality Tester

Proficient with one or more computer operating and database systems
Unix (e.g. Solaris)
Microsoft Windows (server)

Bachelor’s or Technical Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent.

Local de trabalho: São Paulo/SP

Interessados, enviar CV para telsignrh@telsign.com.br com o nome da vaga no "assunto" do e-mail. Ao enviar o CV, favor informar a sua pretensão salarial PJ E CLT, sua disponibilidade de Início e disponibilidade de região de trabalho.